Is violence justified in fighting against colonial rule
Global 120 Second Short Paper: Prompts and Cover Page
Fall 2019
Professor Kai M. Thaler
Due November 19 in class
This paper should be between 1250 and 1500 words, and submitted double-spaced, in 12-point font,
with each page numbered. The pages should be stapled together and compiled in this order:
A. Please fill in the cover page included below and put it as your first page.
B. As the second page, please include a copy of the rubric, with check marks in the boxes that you
think reflect the quality of your work. You may include comments to explain your reasoning.
This will help section leaders and me to understand if there have been issues with the clarity of
the assignment and expectations.
C. Your completed paper.
You are not expected to do any outside research or reading, but you can cite arguments, ideas, and
examples from lecture and optional, recommended readings. References to material from readings or
lecture and any short direct quotations must be properly cited. All work, wording, and ideas that are
not cited must be your own. You may choose any one of the following citation formats: APA, MLA, or
either Chicago style, but please use it consistently. Information on these formats is available here: If you are using in-text citations, then you must
provide a bibliography at the end listing the sources you have cited.
Prompts and Structure
Please choose one of the two prompts below. You should provide an introductory paragraph about your
chosen topic, present a thesis statement, and then write several paragraphs providing examples and
elaborating on these to support your thesis. You should then have one or two concluding paragraphs
restating your argument and making a case for its significance.
Prompt 1. Colonialism entails a nation or state invading the territory of another nation and ruling in the
colonizers’ own interests, rather than those of the local people. Some anti-colonial activists believed that
nonviolence was the best way to end colonial rule and achieve autonomy or independence. Others
argued that colonialism could only be defeated through violent struggle. Is violence justified in fighting
against colonial rule? Why or why not? Formulate an argument and support it using examples, from
readings and lecture, of authors’ arguments and real-world cases.
Prompt 2. In a postcolonial setting, how do new governments try to organize society? Cosmopolitanism
holds that all people are part of a single global community and so its followers advocate inclusion and
cooperation across political borders and differences of identity. Nationalists, while they may sometimes
cooperate across borders, believe that political and social systems should be organized on the basis of
group identity, as opposed to having a more integrated, pluralistic society. Compare and contrast the
cosmopolitan and nationalist positions, then choose one of the two and discuss the potential flaws or
downsides in its vision of how postcolonial society should be organized. Formulate an argument and
support it using examples, from readings and lecture, of authors’ arguments and real-world cases
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