module 01 written assignment employment laws- Savvy Essay Writers |

module 01 written assignment employment laws- Savvy Essay Writers |

For this assignment, please answer all of the questions below in narrative format. Your answers should be 1 – 2 paragraphs in length.


The Family and Medical Leave Act is one of the more recent laws that were passed to benefit those who are working. The Act gives employees unpaid leave to handle circumstances where the employee needs to be away from work and protects their employment status. In the past, an employee that misses a lot of work would have to worry about their job. They would need to resign and when the situation was over, find a new job. The converse of this Act is the impact it could have on a manager in a department; while the employee is gone, the work still needs to be done.


Think about the impact of the Family and Medical Leave Act and answer the following two questions:

  1. Describe how the Family and Medical Leave Act has affected a supervisor’s ability to manage.
  2. Describe how the Family and Medical Leave Act has benefited an employee who needs to be away from work due to a terminally ill child.

You are the new manager of the Health Information Management Department. When you previously met the staff for the first time, you told all of them that if they have a question or a problem, to please come and see you. You mentioned you have an open door policy at all times.

After being in the position for several months, you overheard the staff talking, and one of them stated, “We were told she has an open door policy – that is not true. She is never in her office.”

  1. What is usually the problem when a manager states, “I have an open door policy.”

After previously examining the timeline for legislation of employment laws, it is rather surprising to discover that some of the laws have been in place for a long time. From the beginning of modernization of the work force, different classes of people have been protected along with circumstances that occur while they are working.

  1. Name 3 major pieces of legislation or law that supported the advancement of the human relations movement in management, and explain how important this has been to an employee, and how this can be managed by the manager of the department.

A shop steward in a union environment is the first-line official of the union and is sometimes referred to as a union representative or delegate. The shop steward is normally a full-time union official who is employed and paid by the local or national union. The shop steward normally is an employee of the healthcare facility and is subject to the same rules that every other employee has to follow. In some healthcare facilities, they will have a position where they work and need to be productive, as well as carry out union activities which often result in complaints and grievances that are filed. The most important part of union activity is to realize that the manager represents management of the health care facility, and the shop steward represents the employees of the union.

  1. Explain the responsibilities of a shop steward, and their responsibilities in a union environment.

Human Resources in Health Information

Health care organizations that have a Health Information Management Department also have a Human Resources Department. Each department has their role in an organization, and Human Resources provides the various department managers with advice, suggestions, counsel and support concerning fair and equitable employee practices. Managers of the Health Information Department should take full advantage of the expertise and assistance that is available from the Human Resource department, but the Health Information manager should retain the basic responsibility for managing the department.

The Human Resources department is the keeper of all of the personnel records, complying with equal employment opportunity/affirmative action regulations, overseeing insurance benefits administration, conducting exit interviews, negotiating and complying with union contracts, setting wage ranges, handling contracts for vendors, initiating and maintaining employee assistance programs, developing safety programs, and conducting attitude surveys.

Health Care Laws

Numerous federal and state laws and regulations have been put into place that directly involves employment and fair practices. To make sure that an organization is in compliance with these laws, the human resource department is responsible for training and educating the management staff of the health care organization. The Health Information Management staff will need to take advice from them as this is their expertise and health organization mangers will receive notification when a new law has been passed.

Labor Unions

Labor organizations or unions are established in healthcare to protect the employees who chose to belong to the union. These laws represent the basic rules for the interaction between management and employees in the areas of pay, benefits, safety, health, and performance evaluations. The human resource department can assist with the relationship by communicating to both managers and employees the contracts, policies, procedures and rules that constitute the organization’s expectations of the employees. The most significant player in the area of cooperation between the health care organization and the union is the manager of the department.

Unions have developed because management responded to the needs of an employee inappropriately. Often employees perceive a lack of attention to their needs by the part of management. Managers have a variety of resources that need to be managed such as money, materials, and equipment but the most productive, costly, and visible resource is the employee.


A complaint that usually results from a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation, an alleged violation of a provision of the labor agreement or a discipline of an employee is called a grievance. This complaint has been formally presented to management by the union. The first step begins at the department level with the shop steward and the manager. The grievance procedure sets a time limit in which each step is to be completed. In the unionized setting, the most important duty is for the manager to take care of the complaint during the first step of the grievance procedure. It is imperative that the manager consult the labor-relations specialist in the human resources department when handling complaints. This complaint may have implications such as discrimination and equal employment laws not being met.

Many healthcare facilities that do not have a union organized still have a process for handling complaints that are similar to the grievance procedure. Complaints need to be addressed by management in a timely fashion in order to avoid the possibility of a third party becoming involved and in order to address staff complaints. Many human resource departments have developed procedures that state the manager investigates and attempts to remedy the concern. This can be followed by an appeal process if the remedy is not satisfactory and often a committee of peers and management will make a decision and recommend final action. Each step has a time frame that needs to be followed in order to have a timely response to the employee making the complaint.

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