watch video and answer questions 16- Savvy Essay Writers |
watch video and answer questions 16- Savvy Essay Writers |
This week our class will ask you to think about the impact of social change and social development upon families. Specifically, this week we will consider the impact of the civil rights movement and specific laws which limited who could marry in the United States. Please complete the two activities noted here, and answer the 3 questions that are bold, underlined in the text box below.
First, I would like you to watch a documentary called The Loving Story. You will need to set aside an hour and 17 minutes for this film. Pay close attention to the story, as it follows the life of a family and the legal case against them. Take notes, as you watch, about the situation faced by families in their community and the specific ways the Lovings were impacted by the laws they were accused of breaking. You will include these observations in your response below. (30 points)
The decision in the Loving case was announced in the year of my birth, not so long ago in American history. During the final segment of the film you will learn about legal changes which happened around the time that most members of our class were born. I hope you all find this story absorbing, and that it brings alive the times for you.
Please watch The Loving Story, which has subtitles, at: (Links to an external site.)
(When watching videos on the Kaltura platform, some students will find that their browser setting prevent the video from loading. If this happens to you, look at the address bar of your web browser. To the left of the web address you may see an extra symbol which you need to click and select “always allow audio and video on this website”.)
The second activity for this week’s class is a reading assignment. You will read one of the two texts for this class, a slender graphic autobiography entitled March (Book 1) by Congressman John Lewis. If you have not yet purchased this book you can find electronic copies for download on (Kindle or Comixology versions- remember you can use the free Kindle reader on your computer or app on a tablet) or paperback or hardback options at: (Links to an external site.)
As you read, consider how this story extends your understanding of how social development, social change, and social justice/injustice impacts families. Specifically, consider how the roles of children and adults, young people and older people were impacted by the civil rights movement. Think back to Chapter 3 of the Olson textbook
that we read earlier in the semester. We have learned that families change as society changes. What changes do you see over time in members of the Lewis family? Rules, roles, leadership, communication, I/we balance, speaking skills, values, etc. ? (40 points)
Finally, please think about how current social issues in your country are impacting your family You might consider generational differences related to political issues/elections in the United States or China, or families risking their safety to protest for political goals in China or the United States. Identify a social movement or a significant social change in your country today that reminds you of the lunch counter protests you read about in March. Think carefully about issues and changes you think matter, or have the potential to significantly impact the lives of family members and families as a whole. How do you see this movement or change impacting society and families? Do you see these changes as positive, negative or neutral/simply changes? (10 points)
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