choose 3 theories approaches that you are able to speak about thoroughly and clearly- Savvy Essay Writers |

choose 3 theories approaches that you are able to speak about thoroughly and clearly- Savvy Essay Writers |

MLA format (5 pages at minimum). TYPED, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, black font, and title page (does not count as 1 of your 5 pages). Must be received by the BEGINNING OF CLASS, uploaded to CANVAS & Any paper missing either copy will be considered late until both copies are uploaded. Any paper that does not meet the minimum page requirement will lose points.

Think about the psychological theories/approaches we have covered thus far (not including the theories you wrote about in paper 1). Choose 3 theories/approaches that you are able to speak about thoroughly and clearly (Ex: Social psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, humanistic psychology, psychoanalytic psychology, biopsychology, multicultural psychology, developmental psychology, theories of personality, psychological disorders). Now, think about two or more aspect(s) of your life (upbringing, development, cultural background, stressors, fears, socialization, sleeping problems…etc.) and apply the theories/approaches to help explain those aspects of your life.

  1. Describe all three theories/approaches of your choosing briefly.
  2. Compare and contrast the three approaches you chose, identifying specific theories/practices thoroughly.
  3. Explain how the theories/approaches relate to different parts of your life (e.g., connecting the theory to yourself). Explain how those approaches/theories either help explain or have guided you to understand aspects of yourself. Provide specific examples and relate it to your book.
  4. Why would these theories/approaches be important to know/understand?
  5. How would these theories/approaches be applicable to others? Provide outside sources that help exemplify this. Find articles/books/magazines that currently use the theories we learned about in class.

Works cited page is required!!!

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