research paper on pearl harbor- Savvy Essay Writers |
research paper on pearl harbor- Savvy Essay Writers |
Please ensure that the paper is APA format. Paper should be organized and formatted properly. (1) Title Page (2) Outline (APA) (3) Minimum of five (5) pages – Maximum of (10) pages WITH citations (failure to properly use citations can lead to plagiarism and will result in an “F” for the paper. (4) Annotated Bibliography ( APA) format and (5) an Appendix – Optional. No bulleted or long lists or time lines in your paper. If you wish to add this please place it in the Appendix. Paper must be double spaced – 12 font – one inch margins – no subtitles. Please Proofread and Edit your paper – paying close attention to your sentence/paragraph structure and spelling. One of the sources needs to aleast be a book.
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